Prepress guide
No matter if you have experience within the printing area or you are a beginner, we offer you a wide range of prepress services, adapted to the company and to your specifications:
– prepress consulting
– typing
– pre-flight and adjustments, correction
– imposition
– plates exposure and processing
– films exposure and processing
– proof
Our main interest is to be sure that the files fulfil the technical requirements of a quality print. For this purpose, we provide you the necessary specifications to create a complete file, a complete file meaning reducing the working time, a processing without corrections or adjustments of the file but also reduced costs (avoiding taxes for typing services). Don't hesitate to contact us for any information!
– Accepted file formats:
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– Tiff
– Adobe Indesign CS 3 (or smaller)
– Adobe Illustrator CS 3 (or smaller)
– Adobe Photoshop CS 3
– Corel Draw 13 (or smaller)

– Tiff
– Adobe Indesign CS 4 (or smallerc)
– Adobe Illustrator CS 4 (or smaller)
– Adobe Photoshop CS 4
We specify that the softs from the Microsoft Office package (e.g. .Microsoft Word) are not suitable to create documents for print. For technical support regarding their processing or options to create a pdf from the Office package, you can contact us at [email protected].
– Recommendations to deliver files:
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– Files must be CMYK or Pantone;
– Fonts converted to curves or embedded;
– Texts must be only on the Black plan (not RGB or CMYK);
– Materials must contain bleeds of minimum 3 mm;
– Resolution of image of minimum 300 dpi;
– Total ink must not be higher than 280%.
– PDF:
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We prefer works to be sent in PDF format, where the standard PDF/X-1a:2001 (ISO 15930-1) should be used.
If other settings are used, the pdf file should not be a version bigger than 1.4 (Acrobat 5).
The correct format of the document is bleed + finite = raw format, being necessary a bleed of minimum 3 mm.
The majority of design applications (as Adobe Indesign, Adobe Illustrator, QuarkXpress, Corel Draw and others) can export the files with this standard, as follows:
– using Export to PDF (or Publish to PDF in CorelDraw) and selecting the preset PDF/X-1a:2001.
– saving in PostScript and than using Acrobat Distiller with the setting PDF/X-1a:2001..
– Imposition. The necessary details for the electronic editing:
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The editing scheme must be done on readable and there will be considered a single editing sheet. Even if the work contains more sheets, the imposition program performs automatically the editing according the number of pages. For editing we use Kodak Preps 6.
What do we need for performing automatically the editing:
– PDF composite (not in separation);
– there must be a complete pdf with the inside and another with the covers or everything in a single pdf, if pages are separated the processing time will be longer;
– pages dimension must be identical for all of them;
– bleed of minimum 3 mm symmetrical (depends on each work);
– all fonts must be embedded or not to exist at all;
– editing scheme (first sheet);
– finishing: staple, binding (here also specifications regarding notebooks, fixing manner);
– for the stitching editing you may use the creep option for cases in which you need it
In each work there will immediately appear the color grid, crosses on angles and in the middle, afferent signs, name of the work, the sheet, the front and the colors.
– Attention! ... mode details
1. Black overprint is automatically set.
2. Our Rip performs trapping automatically. In case you don’t want for your files to be processed with trapping or you desire a personalized trapping, please specify!
Materials delivery:
Files within 500 MB may be uploaded on our ftp server.
For files that exceed 500 MB a CD, DVD or Memory Stick will be used.
Guide in PDF format ... more details
Here Here you may download the PDF file. Click-right and choose the option "Save link as ..."
How to do dimensional ... more details
Here Here you may download the PDF file. Click-right and choose the option "Save link as ..."